Crock Pot Apple Sauce

Applesauce is awesomeness. I don’t ever remember hearing children’s song lyrics that explained this or country songs about missing it, but I’m pretty sure we can all agree that it is comforting and simple, sometimes sweet and sometimes tart and when you up or down, it just brings you back.  This is a staple food for most kids and even adults. Applesauce only takes a minimal number of ingredients and is something that everyone from age three to 1-oh-3 will eat.  I add a few extra ingredients to mine because I like to eat it warm and I think this combination makes it a little more scrumptious.  So make yourself a pot this weekend and hum a little ditty about it being good to the core.

3 lbs golden delicious apples (10-12 apples=cored, peeled and sliced)

1/2 c. water

1/4 c. brown sugar

3 T. instant tapioca

1/4 t. black pepper

1 t. vanilla

1 t. cinnamon

1/2 c. raisins (optional)

Put apples in the crock pot first. Mix together all dry ingredients and sprinkle on top of apples, then add water and vanilla and mix to turn everything a few times. Cook on low for 6 hours. If you prefer smooth instead of chunky applesauce, then use an immersion hand blender to puree apples to desired consistency. Add raisins during last hour, after pureeing. Serve warm or cold.