Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Happy Thanksgiving, fans!  I thought about a long post about family and friends and how food brings us all together…. but who has time for that?!  Let’s keep it simple. I’m all in for a good meal, but I need a good drink to start. Let’s begin there…

ADULTS-ONLY Caramel Apple Cider

1/2 gallon apple cider
2 cups caramel flavored vodka

Heat on low and serve to every family member.


Then, here are some quick sides to add to your festivities: 

Green bean casserole:

Creamy corn:

Spicy applesauce:

Stuffing balls:


I’ve never made a turkey in a crock pot. But I have roasted a chicken, so if you only need to serve 2-4 people, pick a different bird and try this instead:  This link also includes my curried chicken salad which is an excellent idea for your turkey leftovers, too!


Wishing you and yours a happy and festive celebration. Now pass me some of that apple cider!