I won’t lie, tonight’s dinner was fantastic. The perfect mix of textures and flavors. It was easy to make and quick to serve and might become a top 10 favorite very soon. I wasn’t even offended when my kids put ketchup on the meat, because hey– they were on their second servings and not complaining! […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.Snow Day #7. I’ve been using my crock pot for breakfast, for lunch, and for dinner. Somehow the invasion of snow has worked up some serious appetites after playing outside. To feed my little monsters, I planned on making pasta last night (no, not in a crock pot… just the normal boil water and add […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.Happy Valentine’s Day, crock pot lovers! I hope you’ve enjoyed the day and if you care nothing about this Hallmark holiday, I hope you had a fabulous Saturday. I thawed out some chicken a couple days ago and didn’t decide what to do with it until today. I wanted something easy that even the kids […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.Most weeks, I have a game plan for all of our meals and a grocery list to organize my trip. I know which nights will be crockpot meals, which nights will be leftovers, and I even anticipate which nights I’ll probably be too tired to cook! But I started this week a day too late. […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.Dre’s got nothing on me–my beets are fresh! Ha! Get it? See what I did there. There is nothing that makes me think of the my family history more than a steaming hot bowl of neon pink soup. No, this isn’t a serving of chemical warfare, it’s a fresh and sweet, soothing bowl of beet borscht. My […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.While on vacation over the holidays, we stayed at the Happy Pelican, a wonderful beach house on the North Carolina coast. I love the delight of staying somewhere with a fully-stocked kitchen AND a beautiful view. My sister-in-law and I figured out a week’s worth of menus, split the to do list, and prepped easy meals […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.Happy Thanksgiving, fans! I thought about a long post about family and friends and how food brings us all together…. but who has time for that?! Let’s keep it simple. I’m all in for a good meal, but I need a good drink to start. Let’s begin there… ADULTS-ONLY Caramel Apple Cider 1/2 gallon apple […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.I was walking through the produce aisle this week and excited to see all of the fall produce slowly emerging as the weather starts the cool and the crock pot starts to heat. With squash of every size and variety piled up like presents under a tree, I started loading my cart with butternut, acorn, […]
Continue Reading... 1 Comment.I cleaned out my refrigerator yesterday because I was certain there were a couple meals left to cook before I needed to go grocery shopping again. I realized that I had two lbs of strawberries that were ripe and ready… and starting to get a little soft. I’ve been dabbling with the idea of learning […]
Continue Reading... No Comments.I had three reasons for creating crock pot hot and sour soup this week… 1. Chinese New Year was on Monday and I forgot to order takeout. 2. I’ve been trying to do at least one meatless meal each week. 3. Hot and sour soup is amazing for clearing up a stuffy nose and a winter […]
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